
  • In the past, ESI has performed in schools, museums, and rented spaces. Depending on the needs of each show, ESI can perform at a variety of venues. Most performances simply need an empty room and the ability to turn off/on a light.

  • Yes, right now ESI only performs original plays.

  • Contact ESI at earthstoriesinitiative@gmail.com with the subject PLAY SUBMISSION. Tell us a little about yourself and why you think your play is a good fit. We’ll take it from there. You should hear a response between 4 and 6 weeks.

  • Not right now, but we are working on it.

  • Make sure you have subscribed to SEEDS. In your confirmation email, you should receive this season’s password to our online journal. The password can also be found in the quarterly email. Please note: for privacy, the password changes with each season’s new journal.

  • For in-person performances, we will continue to monitor and follow guidance and recommendations based on the Center for Disease Control (CDC), NY State Department of Health, and the hosting venue’s guidelines. When booking an in-person performance, we will send a detailed and updated list of our current practices. The health and safety of ESI artists, staff, and audiences is our first priority.