The roots of Earth Stories Initiative is storytelling


The Edge of the Earth

Conceived by Lisa Kitchens
In collaboration with Nemuna Ceesay, Rosa Palmeri and Ben Quinn


A hiker in the wilderness is looking for the wildest place on earth! Only she is lost. Through encounters with wildlife and longings of her imagination, she makes a big discovery. Told through puppetry, interactive storytelling and the soundscape of the wild, this performance is inspired by our American public lands and the wildness inside everyone.

Photos by Michael Palma Mir

This project was developed after a residency with Togiak National Wildlife Refuge in Southwest Alaska through the USDA Forest Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service’s program, Voices of the Wilderness.


Our company of creators are all trained professionals in the performance and education fields. We are dedicated to ESI core beliefs and thoroughly enjoy bringing these story experiences to children (and adults!).

Why storytelling is important

Stories, told in all their different forms, are powerful. They have the ability to connect us through our emotions, our imaginations, our thoughts. Stories help shape us into the people we are and the people we become. That’s why we believe storytellers hold a great responsibility. As storytellers at ESI, we are committed to telling and celebrating stories of intersectionality, inclusion, diversity, compassion, and hope.

How we tell stories

Storytelling—in all its forms—is a collaborative art-form. We tell stories first and foremost through collaboration. We work with professional artists, educators, and specialists at every stage of development to bring you and your families live performances that are meaningful, developmentally appropriate, and original.

Often our stories begin with an idea from an Initiator. The Initiator then researches the idea, learning from specialists and bringing together a team of professionals to help grow this idea into a story. From this point, the Initiator and the Project Team begin to bring the story to life. This process can consist of writing, devising, building, improvising, refining, and always play.

Then the story is ready for the final collaboration with you—the audience. We bring this story to life through live performance. Through the exchange of energy with an audience we learn about how the story is received and understood. We gain invaluable insights on what is important to you and your children and we can better craft a story that is impactful, meaningful, and aligns with our mission.

Ready to experience Live storytelling?


Do you have any virtual offerings?

We’re working on it!

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