A Thank you card for earth

Whether you want a special activity on Earth Day or you just want to thank Earth any day, this activity is a great way to cultivate a gratitude practice.

Invite your child to come up with a list of at least three things the Earth provides that they are thankful for (for some ideas check out this Earth Offering). Then invite your child to think of three ways they can give back to the Earth.

Now make a thank you card for Earth using only recycled materials from your home. Let your child know that you’re only using materials that are recycled because it’s a way we can give back to the Earth. By using what we already have, we are creating less waste. By creating less waste, we are helping to reduce pollution that harms the natural world and ourselves.

For this project, we used cardboard boxes (see pictures below). Used boxes can be fun because they provide interesting textures and create a collage effect. Find a place on your creation to write out your thank yous (grown-ups, feel free to help if your child isn’t writing yet).

This is a great exercise in practicing gratitude for our planet and exploring the possibilities in using recycled materials!

Also, be sure to check out this Earth Offering to celebrate in song and gratitude together.  


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